Wow its been a while, this whole internet thing is hard to keep up to date with. Writing this is now kind of like an awkward friend that you haven't seen since you graduated, and didn't like back then, but you feel bad not saying hi....so this is kind of how it would go.
YOU: Well wow, its been a while, you look....good.
CREEPY EXFRIEND: Yeah, you too, how's things? How are you keeping? are you good? yeah really good... ?
YOU: Ummm, yeah...Im just waiting for ______. I was supposed to meet them, man do they take a long time.
CREEPY EXFRIEND: Oh yeah, you still see ______.
YOU: Yeah, ah crap, look at the time, man it flies I should probably run.
CREEPY EXFRIEND: We should hang out sometime or something.
YOU: Yeah, well Ill get you're number from (insert semi-mutal aquantance name)...cool see yeah.
CREEPY EXFRIEND: Yeah, for sure call me!
Okay so maybe our relationship with the internet isn't this bad, cus there are actually a lot of excellent things to talk about. Like the copious amounts of great things in here right now. Like all things snowboard related. We have our boards, boots, bindings, jackets, dvd's, hoody's, pretty much everything you could ever imagine related to snowboarding. We also just got new surfboards in from 7 (Seven) and Barracuda, new shoes from Supra, Es, Emerica and C1rca. So if you haven't been in here in a little while don't be a stranger. Lets not let our relationship become creepy exfriend status okay?
YOU: Well wow, its been a while, you look....good.
CREEPY EXFRIEND: Yeah, you too, how's things? How are you keeping? are you good? yeah really good... ?
YOU: Ummm, yeah...Im just waiting for ______. I was supposed to meet them, man do they take a long time.
CREEPY EXFRIEND: Oh yeah, you still see ______.
YOU: Yeah, ah crap, look at the time, man it flies I should probably run.
CREEPY EXFRIEND: We should hang out sometime or something.
YOU: Yeah, well Ill get you're number from (insert semi-mutal aquantance name)...cool see yeah.
CREEPY EXFRIEND: Yeah, for sure call me!
Okay so maybe our relationship with the internet isn't this bad, cus there are actually a lot of excellent things to talk about. Like the copious amounts of great things in here right now. Like all things snowboard related. We have our boards, boots, bindings, jackets, dvd's, hoody's, pretty much everything you could ever imagine related to snowboarding. We also just got new surfboards in from 7 (Seven) and Barracuda, new shoes from Supra, Es, Emerica and C1rca. So if you haven't been in here in a little while don't be a stranger. Lets not let our relationship become creepy exfriend status okay?
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