***More Lord of the lines info: if you are UNDER 19 the city of nanaimo is requiring a signed "Waiver and Release of Liabitity" form. You can pick the form up from Alternative Groove or email staff@alternativegroove.ca and ask for it and we can email you the file to print out at home and get signed by your parents. There will also be copies available at the contest as well, if your parent or guardian wants to fill it out there. ***THE LORD OF THE LINES DATES HAVE CHANGED!the new date is FRIDAY JULY 18th @ 10:00 am at the beban park centennial building. Be there! 
ITS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! Well almost. July 18th, Matix, ALT GRV and DNA are hosting the Lord of the Lines contest. Its at the Centennial Building, (Beban) and its going to be great! email
staff@alternativegroove.ca for more info!
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