COME SKATE THE INDOOR at the Beban park Centennial building Feb 2 from 930 till 12. Entry by donation all procedds will be go to the Nanaimo skate park fund. There will be prizes, drinks , and fun.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
shops closed WENDSDAY JAN 30th! get your gear while you can, and come check us out after feb 15th. We will have a hole new store to check out.
Is Nanaimo's only Board shop
We Carry only the highest quality snowboard Gear and employ friendly and knowledgeable staff who are more than happy to help you find the equipment that is right for you. Whether you are looking to rent a snowboard for your first day or trying to replace your 5th broken board of the season we will be able to help you out.
Oh Ya I was so busy talking about snowboarding that I forgot to mention all the other stuff we carry, we have.
Skate Boards
Wake Boards
Long Boards
Surf Boards
Wet suits
Basically AG has something for everyone so come check us out.